
Board Game Weekly

2024-08-01 18:00:00


2024-08-03 19:00:00
TiTOL ry

Board Game Weekly

2024-08-08 18:00:00


2024-08-08 18:30:00
Ilmo dl: 2024-08-06 18:30:00

Board Game Weekly

2024-08-15 18:00:00

Board Game Weekly

2024-08-22 18:00:00
Haluatko sinä järjestää tapahtuman? Katso ohjeet täältä!

Excursion Solita

Päivämäärä: 11.10.2022
Aika 17:00:00
Paikka: Eteläesplanadi 8
Tyyppi: Excursion
Ilmoittautumisaika: 2022-09-26 16:30 - 2022-10-02 23:59
Ilmoittautumisen voi perua: 2022-09-26 16:30 - 2022-10-02 23:59
Vastuuhenkilö: Eetu Raunio (tg @chobbit)

We at Solita are happy to welcome TKO-äly to visit our office in Helsinki on Tuesday 11.10. starting at 17 o’clock.

Solita is a community of highly and widely skilled experts geared for impact and customer value. They combine expertise from strategic consulting to service design, software development, AI & analytics, cloud and integration services. Solita is a fast growing community of over 1,500 experts in Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Estonia, Belgium and Germany. The company is originally from Tampere.

At the excursion, you’ll get to meet solitans, who have studied in Kumpula, and hear their experiences on what it is like to work at Solita. We have invited colleagues from our development, and data and connectivity units. Additionally, we have invited Sami Köykkä, a team lead and senior consultant, from Tampere to introduce our most well known project: Koronavilkku. You’ll have a chance to learn how the (already dismissed) application actually worked, what were the technical limitations/challenges, and how was it to be responsible for development of a product that divided opinions and raised heated discussion among the Finns.

We will of course offer food and drinks so do not forget to fill in any dietary restrictions we should take into account. After the official part we are happy to have a chat with you, and to be challenged into a game of table football, for example.

We can invite 40 visitors to our office in Eteläesplanadi 8, Helsinki.

See you soon!

TKO-älyn järjestämissä tapahtumissa noudatetaan turvallisemman tilan periaatteita. Periaatteet löydät täältä. TKO-älyn häirintäyhdyshenkilöihin voit ottaa yhteyttä tämän lomakkeen kautta. Yleistä palautetta TKO-älyn tapahtumista ja toiminnasta voit lähettää täältä.

Events held by TKO-äly follow the principles for a safer space. The principles can be found here. You can also contact TKO-äly's harrasment contact persons via this form. General feedback on TKO-äly and its events can be sent here.

Tapahtuman suora linkki on: https://tko-aly.fi/event/2001

Ilmoittautuneita: 67 / 40

Tapahtumaan ilmoittautuminen ei ole tällä hetkellä käynnissä.